

Michaela Casková

Michaela Casková (she/her) is a visual artist, art-based environmental educator, nomadic gardener, host, friend, and forager who keeps an eye on atmospheric events. Motivated by processes of sharing and learning, Michaela is constantly flowing between collaborative and interdisciplinary projects. Many of her projects involve not only long term observations and processes but also care, hospitality, and the art of companionship. Sometimes she cooks soup, sometimes takes you for a walk with a basket, sometimes you are invited to take part in the artistic process, sometimes the result is a workshop for various audiences… or a little conversation. 

Michaela’s Small Talks project is based on fascination, conversations, and everydayness. Through observing and monitoring weather phenomenas, she redefines the topic of weather from that of a scientific probability calculation based on accurate data, to an exhibition of visual and sensory metaphors that trace time and tell the stories we are living—our social weather. Many of the latest artworks are derived from last year’s foraging and weathering adventures, woven with routines and chores; it is choreography between steaming pans, shaken liquids, and dripping pigments in jars.

As a member of Mustarinda Association (Finland), she focuses on projects related to the socio-ecological transformation of society through connecting contemporary art with multidisciplinary research, and hosting residency programs, educational and publishing activities.

Since 2019, he has been working under the Department of Biology and Environmental Science at the University of Jyväskylä, where she is co-developing art-based teaching materials that convey evolutionary processes and phenomena as part of the Evolution in Action team. In 2023, she collaborated on the Children’s Forest Pavilion representing Lithuania at the Venice Architecture Biennale or illustrated awarded children’s book.

Michaela lives and works between Kainuu and Helsinki (Finland) and Brno (Czech Republic).